What is a "tiehacker"?

"Tiehacker" is a term originating in the Ozark hills of southern Missouri. It referred to a class of people from WAY back in the hills that made a living cutting trees into ties for the railroad. I first heard the term from my wife shortly after we married. I had been working outside all day and was dirty and stinky. When I came inside, she told me I looked like a "tiehacker" and had to get cleaned up. She had learned the word from her father, and thought it just meant "a bum". Never having heard it before, I looked it up. Although I am not really a bum, I thought it was interesting, and I do have a life-long love affair going with the Ozark hills, so ... there you have it!

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Today in History, presented by Tara Ross

This Day in History: Benedict Arnold is born
On this day in 1741, Benedict Arnold is born. You know him as a traitor to the American cause, but do you know the rest of his story? Arnold started off as someone that you might admire. ...

THE BRIEFING, presented by Albert Mohler

PART I We Are All Witnesses of History: U.S. House of Representatives Votes to Impeach President Donald J. Trump for Second Time
PART II What’s the Big Deal about $1? The Supreme Court Hears Arguments in a Case with Nominal Monetary Value, but Huge Implications for Religious Liberty
PART III New York State Is Facing a Serious Money Crisis: What Does It Mean That Lawmakers Are Turning to Expanded Gambling and Legalized Marijuana as Potential Solutions?

Blog and Mablog, presented by Doug Wilson

Real Justice
Pastor Doug writes:
We live in a time when many evangelicals are realizing that we are standing at the base of a really steep learning curve. These are demented times, and the steep learning curve consists of the effort you will need to exert just in order to keep your sanity. If you are in that position, and are not sure where to start, I would recommend starting with this book, The Justice Primer. ...

This is good to see: President Trump issues statement urging that there be "NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind". He expands on the theme in this video, as well.

In this kinda long essay, Richard M. Reinsch, II writes "Why the Republic Can Hold" in National Affairs magazine. Well worth the few minutes it takes to read it!

Charissa Koh of WORLD Magazine looks into efforts to demilitarize the police. Very good article. My take: The lead photo is of a St. Louis County PD - my home county! - armored vehicle deployed during the 2014 riots in Ferguson. Personally, I will be so glad when the police go back to being the police, rather than a paramiltary organization.

Last but not least:
Peter Heck writes in Disrn,

Missouri declared the first “abortion-free” state

Missouri has become America's first "abortion-free state," after all 45 abortion facilities in the state have closed or ceased performing abortions, according to a report from pro-life organization Operation Rescue. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

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