What is a "tiehacker"?

"Tiehacker" is a term originating in the Ozark hills of southern Missouri. It referred to a class of people from WAY back in the hills that made a living cutting trees into ties for the railroad. I first heard the term from my wife shortly after we married. I had been working outside all day and was dirty and stinky. When I came inside, she told me I looked like a "tiehacker" and had to get cleaned up. She had learned the word from her father, and thought it just meant "a bum". Never having heard it before, I looked it up. Although I am not really a bum, I thought it was interesting, and I do have a life-long love affair going with the Ozark hills, so ... there you have it!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday at home (like every day these days)

Well, this morning the Debster and I logged on to Harvest Bible Chapel South's on-line service. But, before I go on --

One thing I have to put out there right up front. I find most contemporary Christian music to be vapid, silly, shallow, and completely lacking any depth Biblically or theologically. It seems to be written and performed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, emotional entertainment for people wanting to have their ears tickled. I grew up in a traditional Lutheran Church Missouri Synod church, learning the beautiful old and deep hymns of the faith.

With that said, Harvest has seemed to have found a vein of contemporary Christian music that is soundly Biblical and solidly theological and that really does praise the Lord.

Pastor Micah Mathis's sermon this morning from Acts 19 was about how Jesus is bigger than our ignorance. "Jesus Is Bigger Than" has been his theme for awhile now, as he preaches through Acts. This week, he showed how Jesus and the Word of God can overcome ignorant beliefs. In verses 1-10 disciples of John the Baptist are taught the complete gospel and about the Holy Spirit. Syagogue Jews are taught about the Messiah. In verses 11-20, Micah showed us that Jesus is bigger than our ignorant and/or false practices. Some charlatans were given a serious drubbing by a demon-possessed man for attempting an exorcism. It was enough to cause many new believers in Ephesus to turn from false "magic" and burn all their books. Books that were worth a whole awful lot of money went up in smoke as these new Christians sacrificed these pagan beliefs.

Later in the morning, I managed to get a little genealogy done, still working on the Formhals family from Alton, to whom I am indirectly related through my paternal grandmother's family.

Mostly, I've been processing obituaries.

Pauline Formhals obituary
Alton Evening Telegraph, 17 Oct 1918, Page 5

Obituary for Albertine Thornton nee Formhals
Alton Evening Telegraph, 4 Dec 1920, Page 1

The Debster's cousin and her husband were planning on coming over and helping us set up the pool, but it's been stormy all day, and supposed to be like that all the rest of the evening. Maybe tomorrow.

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